Offer for sale or exhibition / Sell or Exhibit / Sell or show

Create an ad for free
Visit Click on "Place an ad", take some nice pictures of your jersey, indicate the team it belongs to and write a full description.
Tip: Buyers always prefer ads where the jersey's condition, size, origin and other features are described.

Put the jersey up for sale or exhibition
If you want to sell your jersey, set a price and put it in the 'For Sale' category. If you would like to display your jersey for the collectors’ community just to be seen, place it in the 'Exhibition' category. Finally, click on 'upload' and your ad will be online once it has been approved by the administrators.

Sell and ship the shirt
Make arrangements with the buyer for payment and shipping. Goallections does not host payment transactions, so please make sure payment is received before shipping or hand-delivering the shirt. If you have problems with any user, please report it to Goallections and describe the problem.
Search or Buy

Surf on Goallections using the suggested mobile link. Search through thousands of clubs from all over the world, sorted by continent, country and football season.

Ask privately for info about the item and buy it by agreeing with the seller. Goallections does not host payment transactions, so is not responsible for every shirt bought, sold or exchanged. Our suggestion is to buy via PayPal, taking advantage of the purchase protection, or buy by hand exchange.

Join the community
Goallections is not only a marketplace, but also the world's first community for football jersey collectors. On Goallections you can look up the jerseys on exhibition, comment on the items, add the jerseys you love to your favourites list, and see the most popular jerseys in the community. Please always comment respectfully and keep your language polite and friendly: aggressive comments will be deleted and your account will be deactivated.
And remember, for us, the community is the most important value: interact with other collectors with respect.